About Us

One of the marks of Jesus’ ministry was his unconditional love and compassion for those he met. His commandment to those who follow him is that they should love one another. Within the church we try to put into action our loving concern both for members of the church family and for the wider community.

This care for each other is particularly expressed by visiting, especially those who are sick, elderly, lonely or bereaved. Just as caring leads us to prayer, so prayer leads us to action; and so each member of the congregation is encouraged to seek and fulfil their own ministries. This may be in giving lifts to and from church, in helping others with everyday chores, in teaching the young people, or in leading worship.

As we look to the wider community the need for caring, prayer and action becomes even greater. And so we are constantly challenged to put Jesus’ commandment to love one another into practice.

Worship & Activities

Our worship is varied in style, incorporating a mix of modern and more traditional hymns led by our talented organist and pianists. The Bible is central to our worship and discipleship, with prayer underpinning all that happens in the church.

Social events have always played an important part in building the fellowship of our church and regular events include whist drives, meals, and Away Days.

Caring for the Church Community

The church links together about a hundred members, and a number of other friends and supporters. As well as our Sunday worship, and a whole range of regular social activities, we place a special emphasis on caring for the church family. We have a small term of Pastoral Elders who support people who are sick, or living with difficulties, making sure that we keep in touch, and give prompt prayerful and practical help. We have also organised a system of Pastoral Visitors, so that everyone in the congregation is kept in touch with a personal contact and carer.

This is supplemented by a prayer group which meets regularly to seek support and healing for those who suffer. Much as we admire the restorative work of all those who serve the NHS, we feel that our own activities fill a gap, by linking current needs to the mercy of the all creating, caring and healing God. (Like the NHS, it’s also free at the point of delivery!) If you wish to be remembered in prayer, do fill in the form, and if you wish us to respond to you directly, include contact details.

Today’s Church

The congregation, which comes from towns and villages in the Maldon area, is a broad church, with members from a wide spectrum of Christian faith and belief. It retains the welcoming and ecumenical approach of many of its former ministers and members.

It’s centred on a thriving church family, with many activities, and primarily on its Sunday worship, in both modern and traditional forms. In our worship we seek to strengthen our understanding of personal faith, and of the needs of wider society.
Originally a Congregational Church, we are now a member congregation of the United Reformed Church (URC).

We are linked

  • Locally with its partner churches of Churches Together in Maldon
  • Regionally as part of the Eastern Synod of the URC urc-eastern.org.uk.
  • Nationally as part of the United Reformed Church.
Churches Together in Maldon

At Maldon United Reformed Church we believe in the importance of social justice and equality, including equal marriage, and we are delighted to announce that our premises are now licensed for same-sex weddings.

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